TFS Build - pass build and revision numbers to the MSBuild script.

If you are using TFS Build as you CI server it’s really simple to pass build and revision number to the MSBuild.

Just create a copy of the template you are using at the moment. And then search for the (there are should be 2 occurrences)

[String.Format("/p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true {0}", MSBuildArguments)]

And replace it by the following text:

[String.Format("/p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true /p:BuildNumber={1} /p:RevisionNumber={2} {0}", MSBuildArguments, BuildDetail.BuildNumber.Substring(BuildDetail.BuildNumber.LastIndexOf(".") + 1), BuildDetail.SourceGetVersion.Substring(1))]

MSBuild script should looks similar to:

    <BuildNumber Condition="'$(BuildNumber)' == ''">0</BuildNumber>
    <RevisionNumber Condition="'$(RevisionNumber)' == ''">0</RevisionNumber>
