I’m working as a windows developer for the most part of my carrier. I started as a PHP developer and I like linux (especially command line). Recenlty we were making our middleware system to work on Mono to be able to run it on Raspberry Pi and similar low price devices. So I had a chance to play with Linux again. It’s was fun so I decided to do some reading on cross platform development. I did a brief reading on Qt and liked it. Then I found very nice book on Qt5 and QML. I really encoredge you to do at least a brief reading of it.
It’s worth to mention that porting our .NET system to Mono wasn’t a painfull process at all. But still now we have 2 support two different platforms .NET & Mono. There some difference on how Mono executes our code. In the same time Qt will execute your code just the same on any plaform. It’s really neat advantage. So it’s very good idea to have Qt5 in a toolbox while choosing architecture for an upcoming project.