Tracking Application Response Time with NGINX, Filebeat and Elastic Search

Recently we needed to enable Response Time monitoring on NGINX server. Let me try to summarise steps needed to bring response times from NGINX into Elastic Search.

NGINX Configuration

In order to do so we had to define a new log format. That topic is covered in much detail at back in Nov 09, 2010!

In short you need to add log format into nginx.conf

log_format timed_combined '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
    '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
    '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" '
    '$request_time $upstream_response_time $pipe';

Next step is to modify access_log directives to use the new format:

access_log /var/log/nginx/ timed_combined;

Once configuration files have been updated run nginx -t to test them. If NGINX likes your new configuration run nginx -s reload so it will start using them.

Filebeat Configuration

Filebeat is a lightweight shipper for logs. We are using it to deliver logs to Elastic Search cluster. To review logs and mertics we are using Kibana.

Filebeat is using grok patterns to parse log files. Basically all you need is to update a grok pattern which is being used by Filebeat to parse NGINX logs. In my case it’s located at


I added a new line to the end of the patterns: definition:

%{NUMBER:http.request.time:double} %{NUMBER:upstream.request.time:double} %{DATA:pipelined}

Which is what I’ve got after that

    - (%{NGINX_HOST} )?"?(?:%{NGINX_ADDRESS_LIST:nginx.access.remote_ip_list}|%{NOTSPACE:source.address})
      - (-|%{}) \[%{HTTPDATE:nginx.access.time}\] "%{}"
      %{NUMBER:http.response.status_code:long} %{NUMBER:http.response.body.bytes:long}
      "(-|%{DATA:http.request.referrer})" "(-|%{DATA:user_agent.original})"
      %{NUMBER:http.request.time:double} (-|%{NUMBER:http.request.upstream.time:double}) %{DATA:http.request.pipelined}
  • http.request.time variable represents full request time, starting when NGINX reads the first byte from the client and ending when NGINX sends the last byte of the response body.
  • http.request.upstream.time variable represents time between establishing a connection to an upstream server and receiving the last byte of the response body.
  • http.request.pipelined variable has “p” if request was pipelined, “.” otherwise.

Please note that you can name these new variables as you would like. For example instead of http.request.time it could be named as requesttime.

Filebeat pipeline update

Please not that once you updated pipeline.yml file you will need to make Filebeat to push it to Elastic Search. You have several options here:

  1. You can run filebeat setup command which will make sure everything is up-to-date in Elastic Search.
  2. You can remove index manually from Elastic Search by running DELETE _ingest/pipeline/filebeat-*-nginx* command. Then start Filebeat - it will setup everything during start-up procedure.

Backward compatibility

If you happen to have old log files you’d like to be able to process, then you would specify two patterns:

  1. One with performance metrics to match the timed_combined format.
  2. Another without performance metrics to match the default format.
    - (%{NGINX_HOST} )?"?(?:%{NGINX_ADDRESS_LIST:nginx.access.remote_ip_list}|%{NOTSPACE:source.address})
      - (-|%{}) \[%{HTTPDATE:nginx.access.time}\] "%{}"
      %{NUMBER:http.response.status_code:long} %{NUMBER:http.response.body.bytes:long}
      "(-|%{DATA:http.request.referrer})" "(-|%{DATA:user_agent.original})"
      %{NUMBER:http.request.time:double} (-|%{NUMBER:http.request.upstream.time:double}) %{DATA:http.request.pipelined}
    - (%{NGINX_HOST} )?"?(?:%{NGINX_ADDRESS_LIST:nginx.access.remote_ip_list}|%{NOTSPACE:source.address})
      - (-|%{}) \[%{HTTPDATE:nginx.access.time}\] "%{}"
      %{NUMBER:http.response.status_code:long} %{NUMBER:http.response.body.bytes:long}
      "(-|%{DATA:http.request.referrer})" "(-|%{DATA:user_agent.original})"